Final Reflection post

During my time in Digital Communications this semester, I was filled with many emotions. One of those emotions was terror. The reason I was filled with terror was because of the whole concept of Digital Communication. Even before I entered class on day one, I went in with the mindset that unless a miracle happened I was going to fail because I simply was not good when it came to doing anything digital. As it turns out my lack of skill is in an area that is referred to as “Digital literacy” In my mind, “digital literacy” is incredibly important because given that the world is becoming more and more digital, and there are a greater number of jobs that require immense computer skills, it is crucial to take a class such as digital communications.

  • One of the most important skills that we learned as a class was that when writing on different platforms, it is crucial to write differently. If you are writing an essay for an english class it is important to use full sentences, with a much more sophisticated vocabulary, and really thoroughly developed thoughts. However, when writing on a blog platform, it is very important to keep your writing brief, to use a more casual writing vocabulary.
  • The ability for your readers to be able to quickly scan your content is very important, Especially in today’s day and age when everybody is always so busy, it is cspirit.rucial for readers to be able to scan quickly and get the information they need. This can be accomplished by using things like using  bullet points, and spacing by the use of headers to draw the readers attention.
  • You should be able to set up a website that is easy to navigate.

Now, did I achieve all of of these criteria that encompass digltal literacy in my opinion? Well, in terms of the first two criteria that I outlined, writing briefly, I believe that I improved at doing that over the semester, but I could still improve. One of my best blog posts that I believe shows growth in that area is the post I entitled “medical innovations.” In this post, I not only filled it with what I believe to be useful information, but I only included the crucial information that advanced my main point. I also used bold headings, spacing and photographs in this post, that I believe really keeps the readers attention.

Now that I have touched upon a post in which I showed improvement on the first two criteria on my list, lets discuss my website. Things brings me to the second emotion I felt during this project: gratitude. While we working on the video and podcast, which I am very proud of, my group members were very understanding about my limitations, and for that I am incredibly thankful. I also felt a tremendous amount of gratitude during this project towards are our TA Danielle Carr. I could not have done what I did without her and she deserves much of the credit for my success with the website. I knew that I wanted the layout of my website to feature a picture of the Boston Skyline on my main page because Boston is the best city in the world,  and I knew I wanted to create a “Bucket List” on my website in order to show my adventerous spirit, and I basically had the vision. Danielle put my plan into action. She was a awesome!

In terms of how I will apply these skills to the real world, the most important skill was learning how to write briefly and get to the point. That skill will be very important for me because I eventually want to be a sports writer/broadcaster.

To preview my website, click the image below.

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